BOA Ghana pays to discharge two needy women from Ejura Government hospital.

By the grace of God, BOA GHANA chapter’s monthly OUTREACH program came off.

The chapter through the benevolence and monthly donations from some members, saw the discharge of two needy women who could not afford their hospital bills after treatment, released from the Ejura Government hospital.

The first women came in to be delivered of her sixth (6th) baby but unfortunately, lost the baby and to make matters worse, the husband abandoned her. Her bills were paid to the glory of God!

The second woman was also diagnosed of “Fistula” hence had to undergo operation. She could not afford the bills after the surgery. Her bills were paid and could now go home and recuperate to the glory of God.

Once again we say a very BIG THANK YOU to members who on monthly basis contribute towards the success and well being of the less privileged. God richly bless you.

To also contribute towards this worthy course to bring smiles to people for the opportunity to share God’s word with them; kindly contact Pastor Mary the Ghana chapter president on +233244254750 or our founder and leader Minister Joyce King and you will be blessed.

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