Our Mission

To connect and broaden our social network with the purpose of supporting and empowering the broken /hurting /poor orphans, women and children in our communities, for raising future leaders, stronger families and communities that promotes diversity and better quality of lives.

This is meant to be Christian base, but all-inclusive fun and casual platform where people can meet to broaden our social network beyond our church, work and family boundaries. Proverbs 18:24. Help others find beauty out of their ashes. – Isaiah 61:3 Use our stories, life experiences, gifts and talents to encourage and support one another and to help the broken in different communities. Opportunity to connect with like-minded people in different States and possibly on international levels. Opportunity to have prayer partners, mentors, group of committed friends who will stand with you in good and bad times. Opportunity to go on group vacations, recreational activities like exploration/ adventures etc., Opportunity to support the poor and needy especially women and children dealing with physical and emotional abuse.